Friday, January 21, 2011

Castaway: Chapter 4 - It's a Girl!

Chapter Four- It's A Girl!

It's time for the baby.

It's a girl.

I think we will call you Megan.

Kevin's so happy, I didn't think I could love anyone like this. She a little angel.

Look Megan, I built you a nursery! I hope you love your new bed.

Kevin loves to hold and cuddle his little bundle of joy.

So let's head out and get some food and stuff for the day.

I think Megan likes being outside. She smiles a lot and laughs. Its such a pretty day out.

Jasmin, Kevin and Megan sit by the fire for the evening.

Megan has now become a toddler, she loves to play and explore.

Come on Megan, you can do it.

After a hard day of play and learning, Megan is put to bed. Sweet dreams little one.

Megan you can do this, you are going to learn how to walk.

Megan enjoying her mashed bananas.

Megan laughs as Jasmin tosses her in the air.

Jasmin enjoys telling stories to Megan.

How fast time passes sometimes. It doesn't seem like we have been here over two years together.

Come now Megan, we are going to head home.

Jasmin, Kevin and Megan head down the beach with the sight of their house ahead.

Megan plays on the beach and chases little bugs as they run from her.

Soon Megan is able to walk very good and gets around on her own.

Happy Birthday Megan!

Megan's ready for an adventure into childhood.

Megan runs along the beach, now ready to explore more of the island and discover new and exciting things. 

Will Megan be happy growing up on the island without any other kids to play with?

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