Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Amelia's Parents Come To See Her - Chapter Sixty Two

Mark and Kara arrived at the castle to meet with their daughter, Amelia, and her new fiance, James.

"I have missed you so much, I was so worried about you, but James made sure to send me word of your condition and where he was hiding you," Kara told Amelia. "I'm glad you were not able to see me when I was going through that part of my life. I think of it now; it was all worth it now that me and James are together," she replied.

"I can't believe this. We went from fearing for our lives to being introduced to the whole kingdom as the parents of our daughter, who is marrying the prince of Winchester. This seems all too unreal to me." Kara told Mark.

"I think they are so sweet together. I was so worried that they would kill her for sure. She went from being in the dungeon to a castle living like royalty. We are so lucky to have such a strong daughter." Mark told Kara as he hugged her tight in his arms.

Hand in hand, Kara and Mark walked through the beautiful gardens of the castle grounds. "I will be meeting with Kristen shortly. I must stay strong for all of us, no matter how much I do not like her." Kara told Mark.

Kara waited to meet Kristen in the banquet hall. She was scared to come face to face with Kristen. She couldn't shake the memories of everything she had done to her and her family. But with Amelia's happiness at stake, she was going to make sure that she hid her true feelings. She was set on being friends with Kristen to keep in favor with her.

Kristen entered the room and walked over to Kara. "I know we have had our differences, but for the sake of our children's happiness, I've agreed for James to marry your daughter. He seems the happiest when he's with her. They share a bond that I have never seen in any relationship, including mine." Kristen told Kara.

"I want to apologize for how I have treated you and your family in the past. I have no excuse for what I did other than a mother trying to help her son. I was selfish for doing what I did, and I can never take back the pain you have suffered. All I can do is say I'm sorry and hope that we can start a new from this day on." Kristen told Kara.  

Kara stood silent while Kristen talked. She kept her composure and responded to Kristen in a soft and calm voice. "I would like that. I will try to move forward due to your reasons for a mother trying to help her son. It hurt my family greatly, but for the sake of my daughter's happiness, I see that we can put our differences aside for our children." Kara told Kristen.

James told one of Amelia's lady's to tell her to meet him out in the garden.

Amelia headed to the garden. As soon as she came within sight of James, she ran across the courtyard and jumped into James's arms.

Amelia stroked his cheek as he kissed her. "It won't be much longer before we can be together for the rest of our lives," James told Amelia. "I can't wait; my wish will finally come true," Amelia replied to him.

After being in the garden for a while, James walked Amelia to her room before he retired for the day. James laid on the bed, talking to Amelia.

James pulled Amelia onto the bed. He kissed her passionately and almost lost his control with her. She melted in his arms as he kissed her. "I can't stand this. I want to be with you so bad," he told her. "I want you to, but we must wait till we are married, so we do not have any children out of wedlock and make your mother mad." Amelia managed to get out as James started to really get carried away with her.  

"My sweet love, I will honor your wishes, as much as it kills me to wait. I can't wait till we are married and that I can call you my wife." James told Amelia as he gently kissed her on her neck.

Meanwhile, Kara talked to Kristen and some of Amelia's Lady's about some of the wedding decorations' plans. "James has requested an outside wedding instead of a traditional wedding. He wants a small private wedding." Kristen told Kara.

The wedding decorations were slowly coming together as they set their plan in motion. It would only be a week before the wedding was to take place. The invitations were sent out. Amelia's dress was being made.

These flowers are beautiful. I think they are going to love this setting. Kara told Kristen. "I think James and Amelia are going to be happy with it." She replied to Kara.

Next was the dress. The seamstress was finally finished with her dress and came for her to try it on to make sure it was a perfect fit. Amelia's dress was made of fine silk and laced with the finest cloth. The ladies helped her into her dress and tied the laces. They made her a pretty vial with a flower to pin it in her hair. Kristen and Kara came to see how she looked in the new dress.

"Oh my goodness, you're so beautiful. Your dress is the most beautiful dress I have ever seen." Kara squealed as she hugged Amelia.

"This day is going to be a day that you will never forget. You're going to be the prettiest bride ever, and James is going to melt when he sees you in this dress." Kara told Amelia. "I agree; I can't believe how the dress turned out. My son is going to be one lucky man." Kristen told them. Amelia began to get excited. "I can't wait to get married now." Amelia gushed.


  1. <3
    Amelia looks so beautiful!
    Can you upload her as she looks now to the exchange? And where did you get her wedding veil?
    I'm looking forward to the wedding!!!

  2. AHHHH Amelia... I can't wait for you to get married :) Great job Jamee

  3. can you uload the castle and amelia on extange thanks wonderful story

  4. Oh my gosh I can't wait for the wedding! The suspense is killing me! :D

  5. I see your putting my simslef to use great post cant wait for the wedding

  6. I love it cant wait for the next post
