Friday, March 15, 2013

Far From Home - Chapter Nineteen

We pull into a driveway that has a beautiful house. It looks like someone with a lot of money lives here. I'm still on pins and needles as Chris shuts off the car and gets out. He opens my door and helps me out. When we get to the front of the house, I turn to Chris," is it safe here," I ask. "Yes, no one will ever think to look for us here. We are far from court, and I doubt anyone would recognize you," he says to reassure me. I know I can trust his judgment, but I'm so scared.
  As we approach the steps, a door opens, and a young man comes out. He walks down the steps to meet us. "Alex, this is my friend Emily. Emily, this is Alex, my cousin I was telling you about," Chris says. Alex smiles at us and then frowns. "Lord Chris, you look like a mess. What on earth happened to you guys?" Alex asks. "I'll explain everything later," Chris tells Alex as he gives him a warm hug.
Chris steps back, "thank you for taking us in on such short notice. I didn't know where else to turn," Chris tells Alex. "Come, let's get you guys inside," he says as he motions for us to follow him.
Alex leads us through the house to a kitchen. "I figured you guys would be hungry, so I prepared something for you. It's almost ready," he says as he gestures for us to sit. I take a seat next to Chris at the table.
I try to hide my face. I can't face anyone right now. I know I look a mess, and it will only lead to more questions that I can't answer without the pain lancing through me all anew. I let my hair fall on my face to try to cover my bruised and scraped face. As Chris and Alex talk, I keep quiet.
We all sit down at the dining room table. I dig in, as it melts in my mouth, I suppress a groan as my stomach thanks me. I sit quietly as Chris and Alex make small talk.
"I know we look like a mess. I promise to explain everything soon. We need to hide here for a little bit until we can get back on our feet," Chris explains to Alex.
"Chris, I told you that you can stay here anytime.  When you get enough rest, you can tell me all about it. I think it can wait until you're ready to talk about it. It doesn't matter to me; I'm just glad to see you," he tells Chris. "You are the best," Chris tells Alex. "Sounds great, I have prepared rooms for you guys. I figured you guys would be tired," he says.
"I can't thank you enough," Chis says. "It will be a breath of fresh air to have some company. It gets quite lonely here in this big house all by myself," Alex tells Chris.
"Follow me," Alex says as he motions for us to follow him. We follow Alex through the doorway that leads to a massive room with sculptures and paintings.
It's a big house that has decorations that are quite exquisite. Alex must be rich from the looks of his home. We follow Alex up a grand staircase to a second floor.
Alex opens a door that leads to a bedroom. "This will be your room, Emily," he gestures around the room. I look over at the bed, I have never been so glad to see a bed. "This door is a personal bathroom," Alex says as he points to the right of the room at the door.
"Emily, if you need anything, just let me or Chris know," Alex tells me before he leaves the room. Chris turns to me, "I'll be in the next room if you need me. Are you going to be ok alone?" he asks. "I think I can manage. Go and get some sleep, you need it," I say as I try to hide the panic that threatens me. I can do this; I keep telling myself.
I walk into the bathroom. I take a look at myself in the mirror at the broken girl that stares back at me. Before I can break down, Chris pokes his head into the bathroom. "Are you sure you will be ok?" he asks. "I'm ok," I reply. Chris leaves, and I'm now alone in the bathroom.
I walk over to the door and lock it. I fill up the bathtub with hot water. I take off my clothes, then climb into the hot bath. I flinch as the hot water hits my sensitive skin. I back against the back of the bathtub as the heat soothes my aching body.
After I have set in the tub till the water turned cold, I climb out, wrapping a towel around myself. I walk over to the sink as I take one look in the mirror as a ghost of a person stares back at me. I see only a broken soul that has lost all hope. I find the tears running down my cheeks as I cry once again.
I cry and cry as the memories flood me all at once. I don't know how I can survive this. I have never been a strong person. I was pretty sure that Chris and I were the only ones to survive as everyone gave their lives to save us. I don't deserve to live. I'm unworthy of their sacrifice. I muffle my sobs, so Chris and Alex won't hear me. I can't bear to talk to either one of them right now.
After I have finished crying, I put my clothes back on. I walk back to the bedroom and find myself alone for the first time. I can feel myself trembling with fear. I want to call for Chris, but I know I must face this myself. I can't always have him looking after me. It's time that I grow up and face things for myself. I climb into bed, pulling up the covers as I settle into bed. The bed is nice compared to the hard ground that I have slept on for the past few nights. I find myself tossing and turning. My heart races as each sound or shadow plays with my thoughts. My body finally gives in as I find myself in a troubled sleep. The Red Eyes! The faces, the screams. The nightmares find me.


  1. Once again another great chapter. I want more ;)


  2. This story is a real page turner, loving every chapter!

  3. awesome and i love the room designs, i would love for my room to look that way lol! keep the good chapters coming jayjay :)
