Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Memories Of The Past (Clean Version) - Chapter Ninety One

 Clean Version

"Can you believe it, we actually did it, we found my father and reunited him with my mom. It all seems like a dream," Annabell told Nolan as she laid against his chest outside her house. "Now, all we need to make this happy reunion better is to get your brother and your father's memory back," he told Annabell.

Nolan stared into Annabell's golden eyes." I'm in love with you," he whispered while having his dark green eyes locked on hers. 

Setting up, Annabell kissed Nolan on the lips with a gentle kiss."I love you too, she replied. 

James decided he would start with getting to know his son, Jamie. Jamie took to James like he knew he was his father. He giggled and laughed at everything James did. James was a bit sad that he had missed out on Jamie's birth and his first years. He was almost ready to become a young child and all his tender years were a loss to him. It kinda saddened him, but he was glad to know that he was not alone in the world and had a family that loved him.

That night, James slept in a spare room. After many hours of tossing and turning, Amelia had to see him again to make sure he wasn't just a wonderful dream. She slid out of her bed and walked quietly to his room in hopes not to wake anyone. There he was, alive and breathing in bed. She took in each feature of his face as he slept quietly. 

Without warning, James sat up, looking at her with a bit of shock. "She bent down, looking up at him. I'm so sorry for startling you. I guess I'm just still in shock that you are really here," she whispered to him.

I know you don't remember me, but my memories are so vivid, it's killing me. I just want you like we were before," she told him as she reached out to touch him.

"You mean to world to me, to have you here standing before me, brings my heart back to life," she told him as she stroked his face. James didn't pull her hand away. Instead, he leaned into her touch and brought his hand up to her hand.

James pulled Amelia closer to him to look into her golden eyes that were locked on his. 

James took her face into his hands and pulled her to his lips. He kissed her gently in hopes that their past memories would find him. 

James scooped her up, taking her to her room down that hall.

 It was just them, in their own world. Pulling her into his arms, they both fell asleep.

As James drifted off to sleep, he imagined he was at a fancy ball. The room was filled with many people that he had no idea who they were. He seemed to be the center of attention while dancing with a beautiful woman. Wearing a mask, she danced so gracefully across the floor with him. With a strange feeling, he could feel that he knew her and must have been deeply in love with her. 

Standing in a beautiful garden in front of a fountain with magnificent statues, he stood there looking at a much younger Amelia. Then it hit him. That was the day he asked her to marry him. Wanting to marry her for the longest time, he could finally ask her without fear of his mother interfering.

On a beautiful night, a small wedding was held under the moonlight, with a few guests to attend. Watching as Amelia's father walked her down the aisle in her beautiful white dress, with a small veil and flower that pinned her hair back.

On their wedding night, they were able to be together for the first time. Remembering how beautiful she looked under the stars on the beach.

Then a flash to another memory of when he was watching her sleep, with his hand resting on her growing belly.

With a complicated birth, she delivered twins, Arthur and Annabell. Two beautiful babies, one like Amelia and one like him.

Spending many hours in their nursery as they learned, it was all that James had hoped to have. The love of his life and two beautiful children.

As they got older, Annabell looked just like Amelia. Arthur looked just like him when he was a child. But with the blue eyes that he had now that he had become human after the potion, his mother made him take to cure him of the curse, as she would call it.

After the potion, he was now reunited with his love, feeling complete. They couldn't be more in love with each other. It was a perfect fairytale.

He then remembered he was sad to be human and wanting more than anything to be with Amelia like he once was. He asked her to change him back. Everything was perfect. He was like he was back to the way he wanted. His head burning with fire, that would be his last memory of his life. He remembered he had just spent the most beautiful night with Amelia, waking in the horror of his life slipping away. He remembered as he stumbled to get out of bed, he fell to the floor with his hands to his head. Amelia's voice was a blur, and then all of it went dark. That was the last of his memory of life. He wasn't certain what had really happened, but it seemed like a miracle that he was still alive, only falling asleep.

Stirring out of his sleep, he jumped out of bed. Startling Amelia, she met him at the end of the bed. "What is it?" she asked. He looked at Amelia, "I remember! I remember you, my love," he told her.

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