Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Women in Red - Chapter Three

Yuki and Shi worked hard every day to get things cleaned and livable.

Things were looking up for the pair when Shi found a caved in the floor that leads to the hidden rooms below. He stepped close to the edge, peering down at the rocks and stones below. He could see the headstones that he had discovered quite some time ago. 

The floor below him rumbled and cracked as She found himself trying to keep his balance. An Earthquake came to his mind as he stumbled toward the door. A sudden silence filled the air with an eerie calm that was not there before. Shi froze as all the hairs on his neck stood up. Slowly he turned around and came face to face with a man that was transparent red. Shi gasped as he took a step backward. 

"Why are you here on my land?" the man asked Shi, who was still in shock by what he was seeing. He had never seen anything like the man that appeared before him. "I mean no disrespect. This village was abandoned when Yuki and I came here. We had nowhere else to go," Shi replied. "No one has lived here since everyone was killed by the army that took over this territory over 100 years ago. One of my descendants was able to survive and made a safe place for my family to be laid to rest. If you intend on staying here, you will have to respect the land, and you can not disturb the graves," the man told Shi. "We will respect the land and will not disturb your grave," She said as he gave a bow to the man. 

"Then I bid you farewell unit we meet in the afterlife," the man said before he walked through the wall, then disappeared as fast as he came. 

Yuki was busy doing laundry while Shi was working in the lower buildings. A sudden noise caught Yuki's attention. 

"Shi is that you," Yuki said as she turned around. Yuki gasped at the women that stood before her. "Who are you?" Yuki asked.

"My apologies, I did not mean to scare you. "I'm Miyu. I'm a descendent of the Yink family that use to live here. One of my ancestors visited my dream to inform me of your arrival. I see that you have done a lot of work to the small village," Miyu said to Yuki. 

When the women got closer, Yuki froze. "What are you?" Yuki asked as she took in the woman's pale skin and red eyes that stood before her. "I am what many refer to as a cursed Nightwalker. I was cursed over 100 years ago when the rest of my family was slaughtered. I came here to appease my ancestors so they can be at rest," Miyu told Yuki. 

"I did not see any graves. If we disrespected your ancestors, we will leave," Yuki said as she bowed to the women. "That is not why I am here. My ancestors are happy that someone is making this a home again. For your hard work, I will help you restore this village to make it a happy home once again," Miyu told Yuki. Starting tomorrow, I will send several of my servants over to help get the village situated," Miyu told Yuki. "You are very kind. We can not afford that kind of generosity," Yuki said. "Your love and determination to make this a home are enough for my family and me. This is now your home, and we all welcome you both," Miyu said as she gave another bow. 

"Till we meet again," she said before raising and heading down the steps. 

As Miyu walked toward the entrance of the village, she stopped and bowed. "They are kind. I will help them out and restore the village," she said into the night. She then rose and left the village. 
Yuki went out to find Shi to tell him about the women in red. 

She searched all the buildings but could not find Shi anywhere, so she headed back to the main house. 

The rooms were quiet, but she could hear the sound of the fire pit in their room. Shi had to be there.

Just as she expected, Shi was sitting by the fire. He was deep in thought as she approached him. 

"There you are; I was looking everywhere for you," Yuki said as Shi got to his feet. "I met a strange woman that was dressed odd and had an odd appearance. She claimed to be a descendent of the people that lived here. She said that this village has been abandoned for more than 100 years. She wants to help us fix up this village," Yuki explained to Shi, who appeared stunned. 

"That is odd. I experienced something very strange earlier too. I'm still not sure what I saw. "What do you mean?" Yuki asked. "It was as if this man was a ghost. I have never seen a real ghost before. I have heard stories of many that claim to have seen their ancestors or loved ones. I personally have not witnessed a ghost, and I'm still not sure that is what I saw," he told Yuki, who was a bit shocked by the news.

"Are you saying this village is haunted?" Yuki asked. "I don't think haunted would be the right word. The man told me that he felt our presence and wanted to see who was in the village. He wanted us to respect the land and their graves," Shi explained. "What graves? I have not seen any graves," Yuki said. "That is because they are underground in a room built below the village. As long as we don't go against what they said, they will not bother us," Shi explained. 

"Looks like we have a home together after all," Yuki said as Shi wrapped his arms around her. 

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