Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Here Comes Baby - Chapter Fifty Six

I was going about my business when a sharp pain suddenly ripped through my belly. It took my breath away as I doubled over. "I think I'm going into labor," I tell Dimitri, who looks worried. "Let's go to the delivery room," Dimitri says as he helps me up the steps to the room we prepared for the birth of our baby.

"Wait here, I will be back with the doctor and the nurse," he says as he helps me over to the bed. 

Dimitri had already left the room when another pain rips through me. I grab my belly as I pant through the pain. 

It wasn't long before another pain rips through me. I cry out as Dimitri and the others enter the room. "My water just broke," I yell as the pain gets intense. 

Dimitri helps me on the bed as the nurse starts an IV. She then gives me pain meds that help ease the pain that was about to undo me. Dimitri holds my hand as I pant through each contraction. 

The nurse hooks me up to the monitors so she can monitor the baby and me.

"The baby is doing great, and your contractions are where they need to be. I figure the little one will be here before you know it," she says as she looks back at the monitor. 

"I hope so. This is really painful," I say as I pant through the next contraction. "You can do this," Dimitri tells me as he holds my hand. 

"We just have to keep a close watch when he gets closer to make sure you can have him natural. He is a bit big," she says as she looks at the monitor.  

"The contractions are getting stronger; at this rate, we shall see your little baby boy sometime today," the nurse tells me. 

The hours have passed, and I feel exhausted. The pains in my stomach have grown stronger by the hour. Dimitri has not left my side, and I try hard to concentrate through each contraction to keep my wits. 

I try to get comfortable but can't. "The pain is too much. I feel a lot of pressure in my belly," I tell the nurse. 

Dimitri stands up to let the nurse examine me. "Looks like we will be meeting your baby soon. I'm going to go get the doctor," she tells me before she leaves the room. 

The doctor enters the room and prepares a table full of instruments while the nurse helps me get into position. 

"Looks like we are ready," he says as he pulls the cart over to the end of the bed. 

The nurse gets me into position as the doctor gets organized. 

"I think we are all set," he says as he places the last tray of instruments on the cart. He puts his gloves on and positions himself at the end of the bed. 

"Ready when you are. Try to push," he tells me. 

I bear down and push with everything in me. I scream out as I push again. "That good, I see the baby's head," the doctor says. 
"One last push," he tells me. I bear down one last time, and then I hear my baby cry for the first time. "It's a boy," he announces as he holds him up. He then hands him to the nurse so she can check him. 

I look over and see his tiny hands moving when another pain shoots through me. "Something is wrong," I cry out as I pant through what feels like another contraction. 

"This is normal. Your body is coping with having the baby. The doctor starts to get me cleaned up when he stands up with a confused look on his face. 

"Another baby is coming. Bear down and push," he says as he gets into position. "What! Another Baby?" I cry out as the pain in my belly gets intense.

"One more push, here it comes," he says.

I bear down as my mind raced at the thought of another baby. How did we miss it?

I scream out as the little baby comes out crying. "It's a girl," he announces as he holds her up for me to see. 

The nurse cleans both babies up as the doctor finishes getting me situated. I still can't get over how we missed her in the scans. We never heard her heartbeat in the scans or seen her. How did I not know I was carrying twins? 

I hold my son for the first time as I look at my sweet daughter on the exam table." They both are healthy but are having a hard time keeping their temperatures up. I would like to put them in the incubators until we can make sure they are perfectly healthy," the doctor tells me.  

I place my son and daughter in the incubators that were set up. The nurse had to go get another one since we had no clue that I was having twins. 

"They seem to be healthy but to make sure I want to keep them overnight in the incubators and closely monitored. If they show no complications we can take them out tomorrow," he tells me. My heart aches at the thought of not having them in my arms. 

As the night went on, I would stand beside the incubators talking to my sweet babies as they slept.

"They did great. I have cots for them," she tells me as she gently takes each of my babies out of the incubators, placing them in the little cots she had for them. 

I walk over to my little boy, who looks up at me with his tiny eyes. He wraps his little fingers around my finger as he blinks at me. "You're perfect, all fingers and toes," I say softly to him. 

I'm so glad that Dimitri planned outfits for both a boy and a girl. I dress them in the cute outfits that Dimitri had picked out.
The doctor comes in to check on all three of us. "How are the test that you ran on them after they were born?" I ask the doctor. "So far, the results of the tests are all normal. So far, they have taken after you with your Lightling traits. I have not seen any signs of them having the curse just yet. I will continue to monitor them and run tests," he says. 

Dimitri comes in and walks over to our little girl. "Have we come up with names for them yet? he asks me. "I think Jordan is a perfect name for our little boy and Annabell for our little girl," I say. 

"I think it's perfect names for them both. I just want them to be healthy," Dimitri says as he cuddles little Annabell. 

"So far, the tests are good for both of them. He said that they took the Lightling traits. He's going to keep a close eye on them both till we know for sure they are completely healthy," I tell Dimitri. "I hope they manage to escape that awful curse.  I would not wish it on my worst enemy," Dimitri says as he pats Annabell on her back. 

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