Monday, June 27, 2011

Castaway Chapter Nineteen - Two Families Become One

Belise got up early to start breakfast for the family.

Everyone was up and dressed and came down when breakfast was ready. They all sat down and enjoyed breakfast together. 

"This is really good Belise, you have really outdone yourself," Jordon told her.
"Today I'm going to show you around the island," Haley looked over and told Lennie. 
"I would really like that," he replied. 
"Good, I'll work around here while you and Lennie play, and you guys head out for dinner and collect other things," Belise told them.

Belise finished cleaning up after everyone headed out for the day. She cleaned the hut and got ready for lunch to be prepared.

Haley had Lennie follow her up on the hillside.

"This is where my parents and grandparents are buried. There was a terrible accident when Jordon's father's plane blew up. Me and Jordon were the only ones to survive," she explained to Lennie. 

"I know what that's like. My village got sick and my little brother became ill too. He died a few days later after he caught it. We were the only ones that made survived," he told Haley.

Haley and Lennie decided to cool off for a bit. She showed him her favorite swimming spot. They swam and splashed for hours.

When the day was coming to an end, Lennie and Haley decided to build sand castles while the adults played a game.

"I have a surprise for the kids. I managed to gather some of the scrap metal and wood from that plane explosion and made them a little hut in a tree. I think they will really like it," Samual told Belise.

"That is so nice! I saw where you made a few other things for them to play on. I will continue to help with their studies," she told Samual. 

When the kids walked up the hill, they saw this little house in a tree. Lennie wasted no time climbing up. 
"Wait up!" Haley called after him.

"Wait til you see this! I can see so far from up here. Hurry up!" Lennie called down to Haley.

"How did your dad come up with all these cool things?" she asked him. 
"He always did this in our village. We had all kinds of cool things to do," he replied smiling. 
"I have never seen anything like it. I'm having so much fun!" Haley said, unable to stop laughing.

"Ok, now to teach you what we do for fun. You take this stick and try to knock down that peg," she explained to Lennie. 

"Ok, let's see how I do then." he replied and concentrated. 
He picked a stick up and threw it. It soared over the pegs and almost hit his mom.

Everyone decided to call it a night. Samual and Belise tucked the kids in and got ready for bed.

It didn't take Haley long before she was asleep. She thought she had a lot of fun before, but never realized having someone her own age would be so much fun. She was starting to really like Lennie.

"I'm so happy here Samual. I think Lennie is starting to put the past behind him and move on. I think this is a new beginning for us and I see great things for the kids futures," she told Samual.

"I'm so glad to have you and your family here. I didn't know half the stuff you do. You are so great with the kids and Haley seems to really like you. You must have been sent by an angel for sure." Jordon told Belise. 

"I really like Haley. She's such a sweet little girl. Me and Samual really like it here too. You have made us feel so welcomed," she told him.

When the kids were done with breakfast, Haley decided to have a contest with Lennie. 
"I can build a cool castle. Do you want to see who can make the best?" Haley asked Lennie.

"Ha! I think I'm up for the challenge!" he called back at Haley.
When the day grew dark, they decided to head in and get ready for bed. Haley took Lennie by surprise when she drilled him with her pillow. 
"Ouch!" he called out but giggled. 
He grabbed his pillow and swung to hit Haley in retaliation. 
She darted out of the way.

"Hey you cheat!" he told Haley. 
Haley could only laugh at Lennie. 
"That's the idea! See who can hit the other the most," she replied.

Lennie began to laugh. 
"Oh! I get it now. You're pretty good at it. I look forward to all the things you can teach me," he told her.
"I do enjoy it, but you also have much to teach me too. I think your pretty neat," she said and smiled at him.


  1. This is good. Thank you! VERY much appreciated!!!

  2. What a sweet post... I love how easy you make this look.

  3. not to be mean but i was expecting medieval. i want a new post of medieval!

  4. I'm still working on Medieval. I did this for my castaway fans. They have missed Castaway so, thought I would make a chapter for them.

  5. oh well it was a good post anyways. srry for the rudeness.
