Saturday, December 29, 2012

Missing - Chapter Eight

After hearing the commotion downstairs, I had to take a look to see what was going on. As I came to the doorway to the main hall, I can see Dimitri, Chris, Sandy, and my parents talking about something.
"Are you definitely sure?" my father asks Sandy. "Yes, it's been confirmed," she replies to him. I didn't know what they were talking about, but whatever it was, it had both my parents upset.
"Hannah and Luke are missing, but the guardians were not so lucky. His guardians had their throats ripped out, there was blood everywhere! I should have never agreed to let Jacob take watch, it is all my fault!" she explains. My father becomes pale and bewildered, almost breaking down into tears.
My mother went on a frantic rampage of emotions, first crying, then screaming. They eventually help her to her room to see if they can calm her while they summon the doctor. I stand there, watching as everything starts to fall apart. I wasn't sure what was going on, all I knew is it was bad.  
I wanted to get closer to hear what they were saying when I bump into the shelf by the door. Dimitri turns in my direction with a grim look on his face.  
"Go tell Emily what's going on while I help organize the search team," I hear Dimitri tell Chris.
Chris joins me in the living room with a grave face. "What's going on? Where's Hannah?" I ask."After you got home from school today, your sister and her boyfriend's car was found only an hour ago. Your sister's guard and her boyfriend's guards were murdered," he explained. "What about my sister," I demand. "Well, that's the thing, they haven't found her or Luke they're still searching but haven't found any leads yet," he explains.
"Why would anyone do something so horrible?" I ask. "We're not sure, probably for money or something like that. I'm sure they will call or send a letter demanding something soon," he tries to reassure me.
I began to panic, my heart starts racing, threatening to jump out of my chest as I imagine the worst. I couldn't hardly breathe at this point.
The tears began to run down my cheeks as my entire body grew numb. 
I felt my knees go weak as I crumb down to the ground.
Chris didn't know what to do with me. I was crying and sobbing uncontrollably. I felt like someone had just ripped me apart. I start to get really dizzy with spots dancing in my vision when Dimitri appears. He bends down, pulling me into his arms. I bury my face into his chest and cry.
"It's OK, they will find her," he whispers.
I don't know what it was about Dimitri, but he had a way of calming me. I close my eyes, wrapping my arms around him tighter as I find a bit of comfort from the pain. 
Dimitri picks me up off the floor, pulling me into his arms. I wrap my arms around his neck while resting my chin on his shoulder. "It's going to be OK, we will find your sister," he whispers into my ear. He was the comfort I needed at this moment.  
He takes me to my room, placing me on the bed. He then walks over to one of my chairs, pulling it up next to the bed. "Sleep," he demands. "I can't while she's out there all alone," I reply between my sobs. "She's not alone, Luke is with her. I'll stay right here, so try and rest," he tells me, trying to comfort me, but I can't relax. I wish I could tap into her thoughts or feelings so I could find her. I close my eyes, hoping that I can feel her. I know she is alive, but for how long I wasn't sure.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Rejection of the Heart - Chapter Seven

 Just as Chris had told me earlier, Dimitry was in his room. When I walked into his room, he was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. I step further into the room, trying not to disturb him. I didn't realize he did meditation in his spare time. I had never really bothered going into his room to talk to him. I wasn't sure what had gotten into me, I was curious about Demitri. 
I crept over as quiet as I could, sitting down in front of Dimitri, who didn't even seem to know I was there. I watched him meditate without moving a muscle. It was mesmerizing how in-depth he was, I could only wonder what was going through his mind. 
All a sudden, he opened his eyes, staring at me with such a serious look that finally turned into amusement. "I'm glad you think I'm funny," I smirked. 
"Emily, I knew you were there the whole time. You couldn't be quiet if your life depended on it," he laughed."Well, my life doesn't depend on it, but it would be nice if you would teach me some defense moves," I say with a smile."We were supposed to meet up in the workout room, not in my room," he replied. 
I leaned back, looking away. "What difference does it really make, I will be able to concentrate on the lessons if no one is grunting beside me on the treadmill, "I say in a soft voice. 
He stood, pulling me up off the floor. "Alright, just this time."
"OK, first, you will need to learn self-defense. This will help you fend off someone if they try to attack you. Here's what I want you to do," he explained as he placed me in a spot to play the attacker while he played the victim.
"Hit me," he says as he moves a few feet from me. 
"What?' I asked a little confused. "I want to see how good you can hit," he says. "So you want me to just... hit you?" I asked again a little confused. "Yes, so I can tell you what you need to change," he replied.
I balled up my fist and tried to rush at him. I threw my fist at him, but he moved out of the way with no effort at all. I swung again and missed with the same results.
I was about ready to give up when Dimitri looked at me with a fierce look. "You want to learn to protect yourself, well then you need to put aside the frustration and any other emotion you have, it will only get you killed in the long run. Attack me again," he demanded. I didn't listen to what he said, without a second thought, I tried to hit him again. 
As I swung, I missed completely, falling down on the floor. I scuffed my knee as it took the brunt of the fall... I groaned out in pain as it began to sting.
"Are you alright?" Dimitri asked as he knelt down in front of me. He towered over me as I tried to hold back the tears of humiliation and hurt. "It's alright, this is your first time at this. It's going to be awkward and hard at first. The more you practice, the better you will be to fend off attackers. Anytime you don't want to do this, we can stop," he explained.
I finally looked up, meeting his brown eyes that held me captive. He was so close as he talked to me. My heart began to race, and I found it hard to breathe. His eyes had a way of captivating me. I couldn't think of anything as I stared into his eyes. I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying, this was starting to happen to me lately. 
I didn't even think as I moved closer to him. I wanted him to touch me, I wanted his lips on mine. I leaned against him, making him fall back onto his butt. "What are you doing?" he asked. 
I wrapped my arms around him as I leaned in, meeting his lips with mine. His lips were warm and sweet, just as I had imagined they would be. He started to pull away but must have changed his mind as he gently kissed me back. 
He relaxed a little, then I felt his arms wrap around me. He pulled me close as he kissed me deeper. His kiss was now hungry and yearning like mine. I loved the feeling of being in his arms as he continued to kiss me. It was a sweet bliss that was tore from me when he finally pulled me away. 
He let go of me, then shifted me off him. He stood up, then handed me his hand to help me up. I stood up with ease as he pulled me to my feet.  
When I regained my footing, I stepped toward Dimitri to feel his lips on mine again, but he stopped me by putting his hand on my arm. 
He held my arm while he stroked my face with his other hand. "We can't do this. Do you understand?" he told me as I choked back the tears that were threatening to take over. I was crushed, I didn't want to hear it, I just wanted him, that's all I wanted. I wanted his arms to hold me, his lips to kiss me, but instead, he was pushing me away. "You don't want me?" I asked in shock. "It's not that, I'm your protector, your guardian, the one who protects you from harm. "So, that doesn't mean you can't be with me," I tell him. "There are so many reasons why I can't be with you. I'm older, you are a royal, I am not. We are forbidden to be together, it must not happen," he said with strain in his voice. I could see the hurt in his eyes as he struggled not to pull me back into his arms. I was hoping he would change his mind, but he would not falter. He stood there, not moving. "You must go," he said as he released me and turned away so I couldn't see his face.
"But............." is all I could get out before he repeated for me to go. Feeling defeated, I turned and left him in his room. As I walked down the steps, I choked back my tears. I couldn't let him see me cry. When I reached the bottom, I let my tears pour down my cheeks as I made my way to my room. I was heartbroken and lost. I had never felt this way about anyone, and now he was rejecting me.
When I got to my room I walked over to my dresser, staring into the mirror at the reflection that stared back at me. How could he not think I was pretty? How could he not want to be with me? I kept asking myself over and over as the tears ran down my cheeks. 
I couldn't hold it back any longer, I let the sobs take over as I crawled onto my bed. I had never felt this much pain in my heart before, I had never felt this strong about anyone. I had finally found someone that I wanted to be with, and now I couldn't be with him. Life didn't seem that fair as I laid there, crying my self asleep. 

Rejection of the Heart - Chapter Seven

 Just as Chris had told me earlier, Dimitry was in his room. When I walked into his room, he was sitting on the floor with his legs crossed and his eyes closed. I step further into the room, trying not to disturb him. I didn't realize he did meditation in his spare time. I had never really bothered going into his room to talk to him. I wasn't sure what had gotten into me, I was curious about Demitri. 
I crept over as quiet as I could, sitting down in front of Dimitri, who didn't even seem to know I was there. I watched him meditate without moving a muscle. It was mesmerizing how in-depth he was, I could only wonder what was going through his mind. 
All a sudden, he opened his eyes, staring at me with such a serious look that finally turned into amusement. "I'm glad you think I'm funny," I smirked. 
"Emily, I knew you were there the whole time. You couldn't be quiet if your life depended on it," he laughed."Well, my life doesn't depend on it, but it would be nice if you would teach me some defense moves," I say with a smile."We were supposed to meet up in the workout room, not in my room," he replied. 
I leaned back, looking away. "What difference does it really make, I will be able to concentrate on the lessons if no one is grunting beside me on the treadmill, "I say in a soft voice. 
He stood, pulling me up off the floor. "Alright, just this time."
"OK, first, you will need to learn self-defense. This will help you fend off someone if they try to attack you. Here's what I want you to do," he explained as he placed me in a spot to play the attacker while he played the victim.
"Hit me," he says as he moves a few feet from me. 
"What?' I asked a little confused. "I want to see how good you can hit," he says. "So you want me to just... hit you?" I asked again a little confused. "Yes, so I can tell you what you need to change," he replied.
I balled up my fist and tried to rush at him. I threw my fist at him, but he moved out of the way with no effort at all. I swung again and missed with the same results.
I was about ready to give up when Dimitri looked at me with a fierce look. "You want to learn to protect yourself, well then you need to put aside the frustration and any other emotion you have, it will only get you killed in the long run. Attack me again," he demanded. I didn't listen to what he said, without a second thought, I tried to hit him again. 
As I swung, I missed completely, falling down on the floor. I scuffed my knee as it took the brunt of the fall... I groaned out in pain as it began to sting.
"Are you alright?" Dimitri asked as he knelt down in front of me. He towered over me as I tried to hold back the tears of humiliation and hurt. "It's alright, this is your first time at this. It's going to be awkward and hard at first. The more you practice, the better you will be to fend off attackers. Anytime you don't want to do this, we can stop," he explained.
I finally looked up, meeting his brown eyes that held me captive. He was so close as he talked to me. My heart began to race, and I found it hard to breathe. His eyes, those sweet dark eyes. I couldn't think of anything as I stared into his eyes. I couldn't even concentrate on what he was saying, this was starting to happen to me lately. 
I wasn't even thinking as I moved closer to him. I wanted him to touch me, I wanted his lips on mine. I moved against him, making him fall back onto his butt. Dimitri's eyes grew wide when I fell against his chest. "What are you doing?" he asked. 
I wrapped my arms around him as I leaned in, meeting his lips with mine. His lips were warm and sweet, just as I had imagined that they would be. He started to pull away but must have changed his mind as he gently kissed me back. 
He relaxed a little, then I felt his arms wrap around me. He pulled me close as he kissed me with more fierceness. His kiss was now hungry and yearning like mine. We kissed and kissed. Oh, how I loved feeling his lips move along mine. It was a sweet bliss that was tore from me when he finally pulled away. 
He let go of me, then shifted me off him. He stood up, then handed me his hand to help me up. I stood up with ease as he pulled me to my feet.  
When I regained my footing, I stepped toward Dimitri to feel his lips on mine again, but he stopped me by putting his hand on my arm. 
He held my arm while he stroked my face with his other hand.
"We can't do this, this must never happen again. Do you understand," he told me as I choked back the tears that were threatening to take over. I was crushed, I didn't want to hear it, I just wanted him, that's all I wanted. I wanted his arms to hold me, his lips to kiss me, but instead, he was pulling away. "You don't want me?" I asked in shock. "It's not that, I'm your protector, your guardian, the one who protects you from harm. Plus I'm much older, you are a royal, I am not. We are forbidden to be together, it must not happen," he said with strain in his voice. His eyes burned with passion and hurt all at the same time. I could tell that he was struggling not to pull me back into his arms, but he would not falter. He stood there serious, not moving. "You must go," he said as he released me and turned away so I couldn't see his face.
"But............." is all I could get out before he repeated for me to go. Feeling defeated, I turned and left him in his room. As I walked down the steps I was mixed with so many emotions, I couldn't let him see me cry. The tears threatened me as my heart broke from the rejection. 
I went straight to my room, so no one would see me. I walked over to my dresser, staring into the mirror at the reflection that stared back at me. How could he not think I was pretty? How could he not want to be with me? I kept asking myself over and over as the tears weld up in my eyes. 
I couldn't hold it back any longer, I let the tears flow down my cheeks as I crawled onto my bed. I had never felt this much pain in my heart before, I had never felt this strong about anyone. I had finally found someone that I wanted to be with, and I couldn't be with him. Life didn't seem that fair as I laid there, crying my self asleep.