Pulling myself up off the floor, I run over to the door to try to get it open. I pull and twist the knob, but it's no use, it won't open no matter how hard I try. In desperation, I start to beat on the door. "Let me out," I scream.
Dimitri, please help me," I shout as I bang at the door once again. I have lost track of how long I have stood at this door, just beating away at the wood that has made my hands hurt. I start kicking and running at the door but realize it shows no signs of budging. 

No one seems to hear my cries. Dimitri hasn't shown up, and no one has bothered to come in. Out of exhaustion, I slide down to the floor.
Slumping against the door, I begin to cry. Dimitri must be locked up somewhere, and I'm going to die? I should have known this day would come eventually. It seems to be my destiny to fall into the hands of the Nightwalkers. I was the last one in my bloodline that was still alive. My heart is pounding in my chest as I try to catch my breath.
I ball up in the middle of the floor as I let my tears come. I fear I will not see Dimtri or Chris again. I know it is only a matter of time before she comes to kill me.
I pull myself up off the floor next to the fireplace that is lit by a small fire. All I can think of is Dimitri. Is he alright? Will they kill him? I start to tremble as the unknown of what will come next scares me. 

"Dimitri, I love you, if you can hear me, I love you," I whisper into the silence.
I sit, staring at the flames as my mind races with so many thoughts. I fear that they have already killed Dimitri, with no signs from him. I began to think if she doesn't kill me first............... I will find a way to end this nightmare.
It's quiet, and I'm contemplating my end. I hear voices from outside the door. I go over to the door to listen. All of a sudden, the door comes open, pushing me backward.
Ella appears through the doorway, taking me by surprise. I go running, but she grabs me by my shoulders, pulling me to her. I stumble as she takes me off guard. She grabs my head, tilting it to the side with blunt force. I know exactly at this moment what she's getting ready to do. I feel her cold breath nearing my neck, I know its only a matter of time before I feel her teeth sink in. I try to brace myself for the bite.
Nothing prepares me for the pain that hits me as I feel her teeth pierce into my skin. A pain shoots through my whole body as my nerve endings light on fire. Within a second, the pain melts away as my body relaxes. It has to be something from the bite I think to my self as she continues to drink from my neck. "This is wrong," I scream in my head. I try to fight through the power her bite has on me. I try to pull away only to find that she has a firm hold on me. The high is overwhelming me.
Panic is setting in as I fear that she will not stop. She suddenly jerks away, giving me an ice-cold look with her red eyes. I sway from the dizzy feeling my head has from the bite. I gasp when she backhands me across the face knocking me back several feet. It shocks me more than it hurts. It brings me back to my senses as I look at her with shock. 

A loud snap comes as she slaps me again. "Your Bonded!" she shouts at me with a growl.
I start to back up and trip right in front of her. The look on her face as she peers down at me with hate makes me panic. I brace myself for my fate. She's going to kill me. To my utter shock, she stops as she wipes my blood off her mouth with the sleeve of her dress. "You were supposed to be mine, but you and Dimitri thought it was clever to bond you two together. Well, my dear, it will only save you to a certain degree. I may not be able to kill you or drain you of all your blood, but I will get my way one way or another. I can lock you away from Dimitri, and then you will suffer more than you would have if you had served me," she screams.
She storms out the door as I pull myself up off the floor. I rub my sore cheek that stings from her backhanding me as the haze continues to wear off.
She's not going to kill me but torture me. I would rather her just kill me and get it over with. My heart sinks as I think of how she's going to torture Dimitri with all kinds of lies about what she does to me and what she will do to me. I know Dimitri is going to suffer greatly. I can almost hear his heartbreaking from here. I know he's still alive. She gave that one away when she threatened to keep me away from him. Her new weapon of choice is me.
Hours pass, and the room grows quiet. The sound of the door unlocking has me running over to the wall behind the sofa. I peak up to see Luke enter. He sets a plate of food on the table without saying a word or looking at me. "Luke!" I whisper.
He drops his head, not looking at me. He heads to the door as I watch him leave, expecting him to look back or say something, but he doesn't. I hear the door lock knowing I'm once again a prisoner.
My stomach growls as I smell the food. I stare at it, knowing I should be hungry but don't see the point. My last meal, I chuckle to myself as the hysteria starts to set in.
I sit for a while, and with several hours passing, I must have dozed off.
A sudden sound coming from the door snaps me awake. It's Dimitri, and he's shouting and arguing with someone. "I want to see her," he shouts. "You know I can't do that, she will have my head," the man says. "I'll have your head!" Dimitri shouts. "Your threats will make no difference," the man replies.
I hear a thud, which makes me jump. The door starts too open. More shouts come from down the hall. I can't make them out. There is more than one person shouting at Dimitri. The door closes, and the sound of the lock clicks loud. More arguing, then they stop, and it grows quiet again.

I sleep most of the time with the lack of energy I have from not eating, and the women draining my blood each day. She's never gentle when she bites into my neck, and the constant haze from her bite is exhausting. The days seem to go by as I doze in and out of consciousness. The only time I stir is when the door opens, signaling either someone bringing food or the woman is back for her next meal. I refuse any food they bring in, no matter how much they threaten me.
I feel death at my doorstep, it's so close that I welcome it. I beg for it to take me quick. I wait for my body to give in, but it deceives me in fighting to stay alive. Just die, I tell myself. "Let go," I say out loud, piercing the dead silence of the room. I barely hear the door unlock. Here they come to end this or try to prolong it. In my blurry vision, I see a man or woman I have no idea who comes in. I'm so light-headed I can't even make them out. I lay my head back down as I close my eyes once again. "Make it fast," I say as my voice cracks.
Then a familiar voice calls to me, "Emily, what have they done to you?" I don't even have the strength to look up at him. "Just let me die, I'm almost there," I say in a mumble. I find myself drifting off. He shakes me hard, making my eyes flutter.
"Don't!" I whisper. "Let me go, I'm done fighting," I say in a cracked voice, barely a whisper as I try to pull away from him. I manage to roll over to face away from him. I can't bare to see his face. "Emily, please," he begs. I have no strength to even say anything. After a few moments, he drapes his body over mine. He wraps his arms around me with his face against my shoulder. I can feel him crying. I can't even cry, I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. He pleads with me to stay by his side that everything is safe now. I will never be safe, I will never be ok no matter how much he promises me. As long as she's alive, I will never be safe.
"Don't!" I whisper. "Let me go, I'm done fighting," I say in a cracked voice, barely a whisper as I try to pull away from him. I manage to roll over to face away from him. I can't bare to see his face. "Emily, please," he begs. I have no strength to even say anything. After a few moments, he drapes his body over mine. He wraps his arms around me with his face against my shoulder. I can feel him crying. I can't even cry, I just want to go to sleep and never wake up. He pleads with me to stay by his side that everything is safe now. I will never be safe, I will never be ok no matter how much he promises me. As long as she's alive, I will never be safe.
Emily Dimitri shouts, making me vaguely aware that I'm in his arms. He's kissing my forehead as he carries me to where I have no idea. "Stay with me," he whispers. "I have something really important to tell you," he pleads. I can no longer fight the darkness, it takes me........
Hi, your stories are fab!! im hooked on this one!! <3 I love the carriage when james and ameila get married (Ch63 Medieval)...i know its going bk a couple of years but thought if u can remember you could tell me where i can download it from....thanks x