Wednesday, March 4, 2020

A Shared Memory In Time, Chapter Thirteen, Clean Version

Clean Version
"Come on slowpoke," he calls out to me as we head down toward the beach. A day with just Dimitri at the beach, I can barely contain my excitement. We have had little time alone together. Well, it's been almost nonexistent since our last encounter in his room. Ever since he told me that he loved me, I've been on cloud nine. I hate acting like were princess and guardian as he put it. 
We are almost down to the shore, the view is breathtaking. He stops and turns to me, taking my hand in his. He leads me down to the beach where we play in the water. We chase each other down the shoreline, sharing kisses when he catches me. After some time has passed, Dimitri leads me away from the beach toward the hillside. He then leads me down a path that has tall grass that leads to a small clearing. He stops and turns to me. 
I can't take it anymore, I launch myself at him grabbing him around his neck. I pull him hard to me as I kiss him. I put all the times that I have wanted to hold him, kiss him into this one embrace. It's been hard every time I've seen him, not to run into his arms. Now that we are away from everyone he's mine, all mine. 
We kissed each other as if our lives depended on it. I wrap my arms tighter around his neck, I want him closer. 
We slide down to the ground, as Dimitri keeps me held close to him.
Our lips have been entwined the whole time. 
 Breaking away from my lips Dimitri looks up at me with those brown eyes that melted every inch of me. Not moving we hold each other's gaze.
"Are you real? Are you really mine?" I whisper as I rub my fingers down his jaw that tickles me with his stubble. Oh, how I love this man.
"Yes, I'm real and yours, you have my heart, Emily." 
Without another moment, he pulls me to him again as he runs his lips down my jaw to my neck. Oh wow, this is almost too much for me to handle. My body is responding to his every touch as he makes his way down my neck.
I'm squirming with need in his arms as he tightens his grip to hold me still. "Ugg," I groan as he nips my earlobe. I can feel his smile against my neck as he heads once again down my neck. 
Then he lays me back into the warm sand, kissing me tender with feather-light kisses. The sun is bathing us in warmth and a cool breeze blows in from the sea. For the first time, I am with Dimitri, as one, with no one else in this moment, we are the only ones that exist. 
Laying back in the sand I trail my fingers through his chest hair. My curiosity gets the better of me, "how many girls have you been with?" I ask. He looks at me with a frown, "What do you mean?" he asks. "How many others before me?" I ask in a whisper this time. I'm almost embarrassed, and now I wish I hadn't asked. "Oh, Emily. Are you jealous?" he says as he laughs. I now feel really silly for asking, he now thinks I'm funny. "Only one, I haven't had that many partners, I told you I take my job seriously," he replies with a frown again on his face. "So why are you not with her anymore?" I ask. He looks almost sick before he can answer his phone rings. 
"Hey Chris, yeah we're still swimming down on the beach. Yeah were heading back in a few. Yeah let them know," he tells Chris.
I can't tell what they are talking about, I can only guess it's to do with letting my parents know where I'm at, so they can relax due to what happened to my sister which is still a mystery. "Ok, see you in a bit," he tells Chris as he hangs up the phone. 
He slides his phone into his pocket and whips around pulling me to him. "Don't let your mind go wild with thoughts. I have never felt this way with anyone before. He runs his finger along my lip as I'm sure I look dumbstruck. I can't say anything. 
"One day I will tell you about her, but not now. I want this moment to be special, untainted by my past," he tells me. 
"You are so special, I would give my life up for you," he whispers as he places my hand over his heart. I spread my fingers out into his chest hair, it's heavenly. My heart is swelling with such love, I never knew love could be like this. I don't think I could love him any more than I do right now. 
"You give me hope, you have rescued me from the darkness that has held me, hostage, since my sister disappeared. I don't want to ever wake up from this dream if it is a dream. I want us to always be together," I tell him. "Always," he replies as those brown eyes melt me. 

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