Friday, September 18, 2020

The Wizard - Chapter Forty Six

"We need to take her down to Dimitri's room so she will be ready for when they get here," Daniel explains. "I don't think they can do anything for her now that she has been dead for a few hours. Jen looks over at Emily's lifeless body and sighs. "I still can't believe she's gone." Daniel walks over to Emily and picks her up off the bed. "You never know what can happen. Let's just say in my family history, strange things have happened, and I have seen a lot of things. 

In one swift motion, Daniel reaches down and picks Emily up off the bed. Jen watches as Daniel tries to hide his emotions as he stands up, facing her. Emily's arms fall, and her head dangles to the side. Daniel carries her gently, making sure he doesn't hit any part of her body on anything as he makes his way down to the main floor. 

When Jen and Daniel enter the room, Jen clears the table off for Emily's body. Daniel places her on the table, and Jen positions her. She straightens her out and crosses her hands over her chest. 

Daniel pulls a chair up and sets down while he waits on his brother. He knows it won't be much longer before he gets there. Dread fills Daniel as he prepares for his brother to fall apart. All he can do is hope he does not lose his mind from grief. 

The door opens, and in comes Chris, Nolan, and Dimitri bringing up the end. Daniel can see the grief on their faces. The only one that appears to have no emotions is Nolan. Jen looks at Nolan with wide eyes. "It's ok, he's not a Nightwalker, he's part of my family. I will explain later," Daniel tells Jen. Jen moves out of the way so they can get to Emily. Jen watches Nolan closely still, a bit on edge as the memories of her stay with the Nightwalkers wash over her. Chris looks as though he's been crying, but he has no tears now, and Dimitri looks devastated.

Chris looks at Jen, who has been crying the whole time as the streaks of tears stain her cheeks. "Jen, are you ok?" he whispers. She looks up but seems so far away in her expression. Chris can tell it has taken a toll on her. Jen slowly nods her head, but she still looks lost. 

Dimitri slowly makes his way to Emily's side. His body is stiff and rigid as he tries to control his emotions. The tears are already running down his cheeks as he walks over to the table. Everyone is holding their breath as they watch Dimitri's every move. When they thought Dimitri was going to pull Emily into his arms, Dimitri stops a few feet away from the table. Looking down at Emily's lifeless body, Dimitri stands there silently as the tears continue down his face. 

Chris joins Dimitri, but by the time he reaches his side, Dimitri is broken. Dimitri's silence breaks, and he starts to scream Emily's name. Everyone freezes as they watch Dimitri fall apart. Dimitri goes to grab Emily, but Chris manages to stop him.

Suddenly Dimitri collapses to the ground screaming for Emily to come back to him. Tears run down Dimitri's face as Chris backs away, watching his best friend's soul break. Chris looks mortified and lost at the same time. Chris wants to help his best friend but is helpless in what to do. All Chris can do is stand beside him. No one else approaches but stands waiting for Dimitri to regain himself. 

"Chris, take Dimitri and the others upstairs, I have work to do," Nolan's voice breaks through the commotion. Chris drops down beside Dimitri, placing his hands on his shoulders.  

"Dimitri, we got to let him do what he came here to do. Come on," Chris says as he pulls Dimitri up from the floor. 

"We were too late. Emily is gone," Dimitri cries out as Chris and Daniel support Dimitri shaking body.

"Don't give up yet," Chris says as they lead Dimitri toward the door. "Yes we are, we are too late. She's dead. He can't bring back the dead," Dimitri chokes out between the sobs. 

Chris and Daniel get Dimitri upstairs into the living room. Dimitri walks over to the fireplace and just drops down to the floor as he sobs into his folded arms. Chris and Daniel join him so they can be there for him. They both sit in silence as they hope for the best. 

Daniel wants to take the pain away from his brother, but he can't. He had never found a love like the love Dimitri and Emily had for each other. All Emily and Dimitri ever wanted were to be together and be happy, but every time they tried, it seemed like some force was ripping them apart. "Now, with everything they had been through, was it the end for both Emily and Dimitri?" Daniel thought as he looked over at his brother.

Chris tried to run all the scenarios through his head on what to do if Emily didn't make it, that Dimitri would die without Emily by his side. Chris and Daniel both knew that there was a special bond that Dimitri and Emily shared that went back almost one hundred years ago when Nolan saved the princess.

Dimitri sobbed as he tried to hold onto the hope that Nolan could save Emily. Dimitri wasn't ready to face the fact that she was gone. Really gone. Dimitri wanted to hold Emily in his arms, to feel her body against his, to feel her heartbeat against his chest, but he knew if he had touched her that it would have confirmed his worst fears. All Dimitri could do was wait and try not to lose it. 

After the door shuts, Nolan steps up beside Emily. Wand in hand, Nolan whips it through the air over Emily's body as he starts to chant his spell. A small light follows Nolan's wand as he proceeds to chant. 

Nolan moves his want faster as the spell begins to create a small line of light.

A green light circles over Emily's body as Nolan continues to chant. 
The light gets brighter as his chants fill the room. 

A small explosion ignites above Emily's body. "Strange," Nolan says as he starts to repeat his spell.  

Tiny colors of light rise from Emily's body, but there are no signs of life. Nolan keeps chanting.

Then a light, a small light comes to life. It starts over her body and keeps on growing in size. Nolan keeps chanting, and his hands begin to tremble. Sweat begins to run down Nolan's face as he concentrates on the ball of light that keeps growing.  

It gets bigger................

And bigger....................

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