Emily had not moved in a long time. Something didn't look quite right to Jen as she watched her from the chair next to her bed.
Jen slowly gets up from her chair and walks over to Emily. Leaning down, Jen leaned down close to Emily that laid so still that it made her uneasy. She wanted to touch Emily but dared not, because she didn't want to disturb her. Just when Jen was ready to walk back to her chair, she notices that Emily looks like she's not breathing. Jen, in a panic, calls out Emily's name to find no response. Jen reaches over, placing her hands on Emily's shoulders to gently shake Emily as she calls out her name. "Emily! Wake up!" Jen says as she hears her own voice tremble. Emily doesn't respond at all. "Emily! Wake up!" Jen shouts as she shakes Emily harder.
Jen reaches up slowly with trembling hands to see if she can feel Emily's pulse. Sinking down on the bed beside Emily, Jen knows it's too late, that Emily has passed. 

"I'm sorry, Emily, I wish we could have been faster," she says as she strokes Emily's hand that is still warm.
Slowly getting up from the bed, it all comes crashing down. With tears in her eyes, Jen screams for Daniel.
Jen lets out a cry as the tears continue down her cheeks.
Jen only becomes aware of the commotions coming from outside the room. She tries to get herself under control as the thoughts ran through her head. What help could they do for her now? They tried everything, and nothing would keep her alive.
The door bursts open, and Daniel comes running into the room full of panic. "Jen! What's wrong?" Daniel shouts as he grabs ahold of Jen's shoulders as she cries loud sobs. "Jen!" Daniel shouts as he starts to shake her.
"She's gone," is all Jen could get out between the sobs. Daniel then knew what had happened. As Jen continued to cry, Daniel took a look in Emily's direction as his heart sank.
Daniel pulled his phone out and starred at it for a long while. How was he going to tell his big brother that Emily had lost the battle? That his true love was now gone, and he was going to be alone for the rest of his life. He knew his brother would mourn the rest of his days for Emily, and now he felt he was going to lose his brother too. Slowly he dialed his brother's number.
Daniel didn't say anything when Dimitri answered the phone. He was silent as Dimitri demanded what was going on.
"Dimitri........she's gone," he says. The line goes dead.
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