Friday, May 24, 2013

Dark Stranger - Twenty Nine

I'm upstairs when I hear a loud crash downstairs. I run down the steps as fast as I can.
I'm stunned by the sight I take in. A man dressed in black has Chris by the throat. Strong with no effort, the man throws Chris around like a rag doll. 
He picks him up again by the throat and slams him against the wall. Chris goes limp. 
Chris is out cold on the floor, slumped up against the wall. I want to run, but seeing how he just took down Chris, I know I don't stand a chance. I'm doomed to an awful fate, I fear this is the end. Chris!" I yell without thinking. The man turns in my direction. I back towards the stairs as he starts walking in my direction. The bottom stair causes me to stumble backward. I fall against the stairs with a hard thud. I look up and see he is only a few feet from me. I start to panic as I start to climb up the steps backward, never taking my eyes off him as he watches me. I can't see his face, but his stance tells me that he's toying with me. 
I take the chance to turn over to get to my feet, allowing me to run up the steps. I dart across the bedroom to the balcony door. I get out the door, then turn to shut the door. The man comes running at the door, slamming his foot into the frame. The wood makes a splitting sounds as the glass begins to break.
I hold the door with all that I have as he kicks it again. Panic starts to set in as I feel the doors begin to give. 
Oh, please no. "Leave me alone," I scream at him through the door. 
The door gives way, pushing me back against the railing of the deck. I step back with only a split second to act. Without a second thought, I leap off the deck and catch the edge of the railing as my body slams into the bottom of the deck. "You can run, I will catch you." the man says. His voice is deep and dark. It sends a chill through me. I grip the rail as my hand is only a few feet away from him. 
He reaches for my hand, making me panic.
I let go of the railing, falling onto the deck below. Raising up on my arms, I try to get my bearings. My head is a little light from the fall.
I get to my feet, jumping off the porch into a full run. I hear a loud thud right behind me. I look back to see him running right behind me. He must have jumped right off the deck. My heart is racing, as all my senses are on end. I don't think I'm going to outrun him. 
He's only a few feet away as I make it around the side of the house. 
He sweeps me off my feet as he slings me over his shoulder. I beat as hard as I can with my fists on his back. "Put me down! Who are you? What do you want with me?" I scream. 
He says nothing as I fight against him. I feel a sharp stick in my thigh. My arms and legs feel so heavy, as my head gets fuzzy. Everything is spinning as I feel him walking with me. I slump, letting all my limbs hang free as I'm now a prisoner of my own body. Moments later, everything goes black..............


  1. You gotta be kidding me! He got her!

  2. Once again a great chapter..soooo Love this story :) Now next friday needs to hurry and get here LOL Oh and where did you get that dress??

  3. I just found this story and I am loving it!
    Where did you find that pose with her holding onto the railing?
    Can't wait for the next chapter!

  4. OMG I did not want this chapter to end, I will die waiting for Chapter 30! Awesome work Jamee, thank you so much for putting this out for us to enjoy....

  5. It's good to see Dimitri there! I wonder where we could get his clothes. Can you tell us?

  6. OMG I still don't understand why she didn't fly away


    I'm stupid lol
