Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Baby - Chapter Twenty Six

Chris sets off to go to work, leaving me alone in our new house we are renting. I give him a hug, followed by a kiss. "I will see you soon," he says. I grin at him as he leaves. 
I finish washing the dishes, then finish cleaning up the kitchen. I never thought I would be in this role a year ago. I prefer this simple life instead of what my parents had planned for me. I don't think I would ever make a good ruler. 
I finish cleaning the house, and I'm exhausted. Being pregnant has taken its toll on my body. I head upstairs to take a nap before Chris gets off work. I lay down on the bed, welcoming its comfort. Before I know it, I fall into a deep sleep.   
I'm jolted out of my sleep by a strange pain. I sit up, swinging my legs over the edge of the bed. I rub my face trying to get my bearings. 
Still disoriented, a sharp pain rips through my stomach. Grabbing my belly, I hold my stomach as the cramping gets harder and longer each time. I try to steady myself as another sharp pain starts. 
As the pain eases up for a brief second, I go to stand up and notice there is blood on my hands. My heart begins to race as I look down at my pants. 
I have blood all over my paints. The baby! I grab my phone off the bedside table and dial Chris's number. He answers on the second ring. "Chris, help! It's the baby! I think I'm losing it," I cry out. "I'm leaving right now. I should be there in a few minutes, be ready when I get there. We will head to the hospital," he commands with panic in his voice.
I take a steady breath and walk downstairs. The pain is getting worse with every step I take. I'm almost to the bottom of the steps when I become light-headed. I grab ahold of the railing to keep myself from falling. 
When I get to the bottom of the stairs, I make it only a few feet when I collapse to the ground. Everything is starting to spin, and I can feel myself about ready to blackout. 
Everything goes black. 
I feel Chris shaking me. "Emily! Emily," he screams at me. I can't move, but I open my eyes to let him know I'm still here. "God, you have lost a lot of blood. Stay with me," he says as he pulls me into his arms. "The baby," I say as tears fill my eyes. 
I manage to put one arm around his neck as he pulls me into his arms. "Hold on, Emily, don't you leave me. Stay awake," he says as he kisses my forehead.  
The car ride I can barely remember, but I start to come to as we enter the emergency room of the hospital. "I need help!" Chris shouts. 
The nurse at the desk heads our way. "Over here," she calls to him. 
She leads us into an exam room. Chris lays me down on the bed. "I'll be right here. Don't you go to sleep on me," he says. "I'll go get the doctor," she tells us before she leaves the room. 
I'm in and out of consciousness. I vaguely remember the doctor examining me. 
"She's hemorrhaging, we need to get her into surgery right now," she tells Chris who goes pale. "Is she going to be alright? he asks. "It's too early to know the extent of her condition. The doctor will know more once he gets her into surgery. As soon as we know anything, we will let you know," the nurse tells Chris. That's the last thing I remember before I blackout.  
I'm slowly stirred from my sleep by Chris running his fingers through my hair. 
I'm still groggy, not sure what had just happened. 
I slowly open my eyes. 
Chris is staring down at me with such a sad face. It takes me by surprise. "Emily, you scared me," he whispers as he strokes my hair once more. 
I grab his hand and pull it to my chest. "I was so scared, I thought I was going to die," I say. I slide my hand down my stomach and find that it's flat. "The baby! Where's my baby?" I choke out. 
I sit up, disregarding the pain in my stomach. Chris moves then drops to his knees in front of me. Taking my hands into his, he pauses. 
"What happened?" I ask Chris. "Emily, the doctor needs to talk to you. I think he should tell you what happened," he says.
I stand up in, despite Chris telling me to get back into bed. "Emily! Easy," he says. I have this sick feeling that I lost the baby. My heart is already breaking. 
When the doctor comes in, I can already tell it's not going to be good by the expression on his face. "Are you in any pain?" the doctor asks. "I'm sore, what's going on?" I ask. 
"You might want to sit down," he says. "Just tell me what happened?" I demand in a panic. "The placenta came detached from a tear in the wall of your uterus, causing you to miscarry the baby. You started to hemorrhage. Thanks to Chris, he got you here just in time. You lost a lot of blood. We had to give you some blood to stabilize you," he says. I choke back the tears. I feel my knees buckle as Chris tightens his arms around me. 
"I'm sorry, there was nothing I could do to save the baby. The baby was already gone by the time you got here. It was difficult to get the blood to stop until I could repair the tear in your uterus. I did the best I could to repair it, but they're still may be a chance that you may not be able to have any more kids," he says. I'm now in shock, and I can no longer register his words."I'm truly sorry for your loss, if there is anything I can do, don't hesitate to contact me. Here is my phone number," he says as he hands Chris his card. "Also, if you want to see your baby, just let the nurse know. Again, I'm sorry for your loss," he says before he leaves the room. 
He leaves Chris and me alone. I can't even cry. I know I have lost a part of not only myself but my Dimitri. The thought is sickening. 
"Emily," Chris says in a soft voice. My face falls, and I know I can take no more. I have had enough of all this heartache. I have no more tears to cry; my world has become numb. "Do you want to see the baby?" Chris asks. "No, take me home," I say softly.


  1. With a real life miscarriage this brought me back to the pain. Your detail was amazing, your a wonderful writer!

    1. I figured it would. I know how close to home this was for you. But I had to put it in the story. I don't hold back with any life situation. I'm so glad you are reading them. Thank you.

  2. This chapter made me wanna cry, you are excellent but are you continuing the medieval series >>??

    1. I will but I have such a bit plan for it that I had to take a break from it. I will continue it. Its just waiting for something epic and big vison.

  3. Oh my gosh... I only have one word my friend and that word is "Heart-wrenching".

    Looking forward to the next installment.


  4. Very good Jamee.. Didn't expect this lol Great work Great story. Hope my story that I have been working on is just as good as yours are. Love it <3

  5. I stumbled onto your site a few weeks ago and I must say I love this story. I check back often for updates. Keep up the good work.

  6. i absoultley postiviley loved this chapter, it really touched my heart knowing someone at my church who had a miscarriage, this makes me feel even closer to Emily then i ever have been since this series started.

  7. So so sad! I feel sorry for her. I know how deeply sad she has to feel. This baby would have been so special to her! Dimitri's baby. Now she might not even be able to have more children!

  8. OMG Dmitri will come back and I know that that will be the only thing she needs
