Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Castaway Chapter Fourteen - Haley's Growing Up So Fast

Brian takes Haley exploring on the island and helps her learn new things.

Haley's with her grandma and this leaves time for Megan and Brian to spend time alone.

Jasmin has her birthday and then ages up.

Jasmin loves her little granddaughter. 
"Oh how grandma loves you!" Jasmin tells Haley as she carries her to the hut.

Kevin has his birthday. With sparkles Kevin spins around and then ages up.

Kevin and Brian discuss their plans for the next day.

Before Kevin and Brian head out, Brian takes Haley to Jasmin so she can babysit while they are out hunting.

Everyone gathers for dinner at the main hut.

Then after dinner, Jasmin takes Haley to play. Jasmin heads down the hill to meet with Kevin and take Haley swimming.

"I worry about Haley growing up by herself. We got lucky with Brian joining our family. But I don't want her to grow up and spend the rest of her life alone." Jasmin tells Kevin. 

"I know but there's nothing we can do but try to make her happy." Kevin replies.

It's Haley's birthday and shes blows out her candles with grandma's help.

With sparkles, Haley spins around and changes into a kid.

Haley has grown into a cute little kid. With diapers and baby food behind her, she's ready to join her parents and grandparents when they go out in the mornings.

Jasmin teaches Haley how to play the game they play all the time. "Ok Haley, toss the stick and try to  knock over as many wood markers as you can in a row." Jasmin tells Haley.

Haley tosses and misses. She keeps trying and misses again.

"Oh Grandma, you always beat me." Haley says to her grandma as she grabs her face in defeat.

Haley seems happy and content on the island with her family.

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