Thursday, March 3, 2011

Castaway Chapter Thirteen - Haley's Toddler Years

Haley enjoys eating bananas that Megan makes her everyday. They're her favorite snack and she loves to make a mess every time she eats them.

After breakfast, Jasmin loves to play with Haley and make her giggle. Jasmin loves being a grandma to Haley. She hopes to get more grandchildren to spoil.

While Kevin takes a break from fishing, he spends time with Haley. "Who's my favorite baby girl?" Kevin coos at Haley. Haley just giggles back.

Megan tries to potty train Haley, but she doesn't want to sit on the potty. 
"Come on Haley. It's really easy, just pee in the potty. You can do this! You're a big girl now!" she tells Haley to encourage her.

Haley peeks out of her toy box to see if anyone has spotted her hiding place. She loves to play in her mommy's old toy box that she had when she was a little girl.

Brian tries to teach Haley how to talk and to count. 
"One, two, three, four and five. This is how many fingers I have on this hand. Count with me Haley." he encourages her. 
She seems to be catching on pretty quick.

Kevin sweeps up Haley and tosses her in the air. 
"There's my girl. Did you miss your grandpa?" Kevin asks Haley. 
"I missed ya to." Haley tells Kevin in a tiny little voice.

"There you are Haley." Jasmin says as she scoops her up and gives her a big hug. "Mommy says it's nap time." 

Jasmin changes her clothes and prepares her for her nap.

"Sweet dreams Haley. I will see you in a little bit." Jasmin tells her as she tucks her in.

It didn't take her long to fall asleep. She slept for several hours.

After her nap she played in her crib, till Megan came to get her.

"We need to teach you how to walk. One foot in front of the other. Take your time, Mommy's got you." Megan tells her.

After several times, Haley takes her first steps on her own. 
"You did it Haley! You walked all by yourself!" Megan cheered her as she swept her up and tossed her into the air.

"Ok, you need to use the potty. It's so easy." Megan explains to her as she pats her on the head. After a few minutes, Haley uses the potty and then giggles at Megan. 
"I did it mommy! I used the potty!" Haley squealed with excitement.

"This belonged to me when I was your age. Your grandpa made it for me. It makes such pretty music. Hit here first." Megan explains to her.

After Haley plays with Megan for a while, she heads to her toy box to play with her favorite toys.

Oh pretty pink bunny, hop, hop, hop along. Haley giggles.

Haley, one happy little toddler, toddling along.

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