Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Castaway Chapter Twelve - Baby Haley's First Year

The first month was a bit of a challenge for Megan and Brian to get use to their new little addition. There were many sleepless nights, changing all the dirty homemade diapers, and the feedings. It had them quite tired. Jasmin and Kevin were a big help. 

"I still can't believe my eyes, you're such a pretty baby." Megan coos at her new daughter.

Megan places Haley in the crib that her daddy made for her before she was born.

Haley slept most of the night, now that she was getting a little older. She rarely woke in the middle of the night like she use to for a feeding.

The next morning Brian takes Haley out of her crib and plays with her. She's starting to learn how to giggle a little. She smiles a lot when he plays with her.

Jasmin takes Haley down the hill where Megan is sitting on the beach.

Jasmin sits Haley down beside her while she chats with Megan.

It's a beautiful day and the guys are having a lot of fun fishing. Jasmin and Megan sit close behind them with Haley chatting and watching them.

Megan cuddles Haley up as the day draws to a close.
"It won't be to long before you will be crawling and setting up on your own." Megan tells her as Haley is close to falling asleep on her shoulder.

"Today is your birthday Haley!"  Brian tells her as he scoops her up into his arms from her crib.

Jasmin and Megan have made Haley a cake to celebrate her birthday. Haley turns one today!

"You're quite the cute one. Grandpa's going to get you." Kevin tells Haley as he tickles her. Megan laughs and giggles.

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